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Showing posts with label UserName Check. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UserName Check. Show all posts

how to show the progressbar during check the username availability or how to implement username check availabilty like yahoo using ajax

Mar 31, 2011 24 comments

Here I will explain how to show the progressbar during check the username availability using Ajax or 
how to implement username check availabilty like yahoo using ajax.

In Previous post I explained clearly how to check the username availability using ajax Now I will explain how to show the progressbar during check the username from database just like checking the username in yahoo if you observe yahoo registration page after enter username and click on check button at that time we will see progress image during get the data from database after that result will display now we will implement the same thing in our application.

how to check username availability using ajax or check username availability in using ajax


Here I will explain how to check the username availability using Ajax .

I designed one registration page in that user will enter userdetails like username, password etc at the time of enter username in textbox I need to validate the username whether that username available or already taken by any other user for that I am checking username availability in database based on username. Here I am getting one problem that is after enter username in textbox I am getting the data from database and showing the result on page like whether that username available or not but at that time page gets postback and losing the entered values in textboxes for that reason I used ajax concept to check username availability.  

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