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Showing posts with label Code Snippets. Show all posts

Reflection to Get All List Property Names and Values in C#, VB.NET

Feb 17, 2017 0 comments

Here we will learn how to get object property names and values using reflection reflection in c#, with example or use reflection to get all property types and names of an object in c#, with example or reflection to get all properties of any object in c#, or Type.GetAllProperties reflection method to get all properties and values of an object in c#, with example. By using Reflection properties we can easily get all object property names and values based on our requirements.


Get List Object Properties and Values using Reflection in C#, VB.NET

Feb 16, 2017 0 comments

Here we will learn how to use reflection to get list object properties and values in c#, with example or get all properties and values of an object in c#, with example or get list of properties from list of objects using reflection in c#, or how to get property names and values using reflection in c#, with example. By using Reflection properties we can easily get list object property names and values based on our requirements.


Jsontextwriter Example in C#, VB.NET

Jan 30, 2017 0 comments

Here we will learn how to use jsontextwriter in c#, with example or how to write json using jsontextwriter in c#, with example or newtonsoft jsontextwriter to write json with example in c#, or convert list to json using newtonsoft jsontextwriter in c#, with example. By using newtonsoft reference in our applications we can easily convert list to json format and serialize / de-serialize list objects easily based on our requirements.


In previous articles I explained send / receive JSON objects from web service with example, angularjs filter json object to show / hide elements based on conditions, Show info window on google maps when click on markers, show markers on google maps using json data, convert json string to json object with example and many more articles related to in JSON,, mvc, c#, Now I will explain how to use newtonsoft jsontextwriter to create json file with required data in c#, with example.

Remove Last Character from String in C#, VB.NET with Example

Jan 29, 2017 0 comments

Here I will explain how to remove last character from string in
c#, with example or delete or remove last character in string with examples in c#, In c# or we can easily remove last character from string by using Remove or Trim or IndexOf properties.

jQuery Display Image Based on Image URL with Example

Dec 8, 2016 0 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to show image based on url entered in textbox with example or jQuery display image based on url with example or jQuery get images inside of div with example or jQuery show image when image URL entered in textbox with example or jQuery display image with url entered in textbox example. In jQuery by adding attr properties to image elements we can easily show image based on the URL entered in textbox based on our requirements.

jQuery Get All Images (img) Src in Div with Example

Dec 7, 2016 2 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to get images in div with example or jQuery get all images src in particular div with example or jQuery get images inside of div with example or jQuery image attribute img inside of div with example or jQuery get src of images in particular div with example. By using jQuery map and child properties we can easily get images src tags easily based on our requirements.

Dictionary in C#, VB.NET with Examples

Aug 24, 2016 5 comments

Here I will explain what is dictionary in c#, with example or dictionary object in c#, with example or how to create and use dictionary object in c#, with example. Dictionary object in c# or is a collection which is used to represent data as a key and value pairs.


jQuery Check if Div Element has Class or Not Example

Jul 19, 2016 0 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to check if div has particular class or not with example or jQuery check if element has particular class or not example or jQuery check if div contains particular class name or jQuery check if element has class attribute or not with example. By using hasClass() method in jQuery we can check if div element has particular or not easily.

jQuery Show Image Preview with Url Entered in Textbox Example

Jun 14, 2016 0 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to show image preview with url entered in textbox with example or jQuery show image preview from input textbox with examples or jQuery load image in div from url obtained from textbox. By using jQueryattr” property we can show image preview with the url entered from textbox.

In previous articles I explained jQuery preview image before upload using fileupload, jQuery show larger image preview on hover in, jQuery show loading image on button click with example, jQuery display text over image on hover using content hover plugin and many articles relating to
css, AngularJS, jQuery, JavaScript and Now I will explain how to show image preview with the url entered in textbox in jQuery with example.

jQuery Show Hide Div Element on Scroll Position Example

May 11, 2016 4 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to show hide div element on scroll position or show hide div on scroll position in jQuery or show / hide element on scroll jQuery. In jQuery by using window.scroll property we can show or hide div element based on position.

JavaScript Convert Phone Number Format Example in jQuery

May 3, 2016 1 comments

Here I will explain how to use
JavaScript to format phone number with example or convert phone number to international format (USA) in JavaScript / jQuery convert number to phone number format with example or JavaScript phone number validation example. By loop through number we can convert number to phone number format.

jQuery Difference between == and === in JavaScript with Example

Jan 11, 2016 3 comments

Here I will explain difference between == and === in
JavaScript with example or what is the difference between == and === in jQuery with example. Generally JavaScript will provide different type of operators those are strict equality (===) and type converting equality (==). These operators help us to understand difference between == and === in JavaScript or jQuery.

In previous articles I explained jQuery bootstrap autocomplete textbox from database example, jQuery slideup, slidedown and slidetoggle example, jQuery autocomplete with images in,
jQuery hide div if we click outside of it example and many articles relating to css, AngularJS, jQuery, JavaScript and Now I will explain difference between == and === in JavaScript or jQuery with example.

Generally JavaScript will provide different type of operators those are strict equality and type converting equality.

jQuery Show (Display) Loading Image on Button Click Example

Nov 30, 2015 4 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to show loading on button click or display loading image on button click with example in jQuery. By using button html property we can show loading image on button click in jQuery.

jQuery Hide Div if Clicked Outside or Anywhere Else Example

Nov 19, 2015 0 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to hide div when user clicks outside of it example or Hide/Close div when clicked outside of it using jQuery or hide element if click anywhere else using jQuery with example.

In previous posts I explained jQuery Check internet connection using JavaScript, jQuery Custom Right click Context Menu, jQuery UI Virtual keyboard example, jQuery Show hidden content on mouse over on top of element and many articles relating to
jQuery. Now I will explain how to close or hide div when click outside of it (anywhere else) using jQuery.

If you want to close or hide div when click outside of it in jQuery we need to write the code like as shown below

jQuery Get Selected Bootstrap Tab or Active Tab on Click (Change) Example

Oct 19, 2015 2 comments

Here I will explain how to use
jQuery to get selected bootstrap tab on click or jQuery set or get bootstrap selected tab value on change event with example. By using data-toggle property we can get selected bootstrap tab value in jQuery on tab change.

In previous articles I explained jQuery set particular bootstrap tab selected on pageload,
jQuery bootstrap multi select dropdownlist with checkboxes, jQuery show images in 360 degree view plugins, jQuery validate radiobuttonlist with example and many articles relating to css, AngularJS, jQuery, JavaScript and Now I will explain how to set get selected bootstrap tab on click or on change event in jQuery with example.

Angularjs Enable Disable Button based on Checkbox Selection Example

Oct 14, 2015 0 comments

Here I will explain how to use
AngularJS to enable or disable button based on checkbox value selection with example. By using “ng-disabled” property we can enable or disable button on checkbox selection value in AngularJS.

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