Here I will explain how to add or integrate Linkedin login
button to web application using JavaScript
API in or Sign in with Linkedin account or Linkedin login
authentication for website in
In previous posts I explained integrate facebook login authentication to website, Add twitter login authentication to website, jQuery Allow only numbers in textbox, jQuery disable cut copy and paste options in textbox, jQuery Create Rounded Corners Textbox, jQuery slideUp, slideDown and slideToggle Example and many articles relating to JQuery, JavaScript, Now I will explain how to integrate Linkedin login button to web application using JavaScript API in
Before implement Linkedin login authentication first we
need create Linkedin application and need to get api key from Linkedin for that
open this link
once you open that link we have option like “Add New Application” click
on it that will display window like this
Here you need to mention your website url in Website
URL field and JavaScript API Domain fields like as shown below and
above figures
Once you enter all the details click ok now api key
will generate for your application. Now open your application and write the
following code in your aspx page
<html xmlns="">
<title>Linkedin Authentication
Login in Website</title>
<script type="text/javascript"
api_key: Your_API_KEY
<form id="form1"
<script type="in/Login">
Hello, <?js= firstName ?> <?js= lastName ?>.
In header section replace Your_API_KEY with your api key.
Once we run above code we will get output of Sign in Button like as shown below
Once we click on that button another window will open
and it will ask access permission for that application for your details like as
shown below
Once you click the Allow access button you will get
output like as show below
In this way we can implement Linkedin authentication
for your web application.
Here you need to remember one point that is once you
get the output please try to refresh your page for few times you will notice
that login button reappears every time, even though you have already logged
into the app and granted permission. By default, Linkedin framework will only
fetch an OAuth token if the user explicitly clicks a Sign In button. You can
override this to auto-login signed in users for that set the option authorize:
true, and the framework will automatically fetch an OAuth token if one is
available (i.e. if the user has previously authorized your application). For that
you need to change header script code like as shown below
In this way we can implement linkedin authentication mechanism
for website.
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![]() ![]() |
<script>alert('Check It Out')</script>
Sir, How to set a default man's image when a radio button's text is male? When female is selected a women's image must appear as a default image in Radio button1 text----->Male . Radio button2 text---->Female.
Sir, Could you please tell how a user can logout after signin?
How to get other details such as Companyname, phone, city, email? and how to logout from LinkedIn after logged in?
Help appreciated ! Thanks :)
I tried many things to auto-login the user after he granted access to the app, even this script,, but in every code scenario, when I refresh the page, i get the login-button (and if if check the IN login status, it returns false ) to post using javascript
thanks..........but how to login with google+....
hello sir this shoaib actually i get one project ,I need pull the profile data from linkedin and store the database and display in Grid view
Hi can I put My own button instead of this linkedin button. Onclick of that button popup should come.
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