Here I will explain mvc 4 razor tutorial with example for beginners. In this I will show you how to create a MVC 4 project using razor as a view engine before that we will learn what is mvc in
Here I will explain mvc 4 razor tutorial with example for beginners. In this I will show you how to create a MVC 4 project using razor as a view engine before that we will learn what is mvc in
In Previous posts I explained create rdlc report in mvc, how to make form and insert into database in mvc, show data from database table in mvc and many articles related to mvc,, c#, Now I will explain mvc 4 razor tutorial with example for beginners.
In Previous posts I explained create rdlc report in mvc, how to make form and insert into database in mvc, show data from database table in mvc and many articles related to mvc,, c#, Now I will explain mvc 4 razor tutorial with example for beginners.
Before we start first we will see what
MVC stands for Model view controller.
MVC is a framework which we used to build applications in client side using
Model, view and controller design. Here we will see what is Model, view and
- Responsible
for storing and retrieving data
- Maintenance
of states.
- Notification
of observers of change in state.
- Classes
or references including .cs and .dll files
- Responsible
for rendering UI model.
- User
interaction (Text Box, List Box, Button, Label)
- Normally
hold .cshtml, .aspx pages to show output.
- Responsible
for responding to user input.
- Instructing
model to process the user input.
- Make a
bridge between view and model.
Every controller holds one or
more than one action method(s). These action methods are calling during the
execution through URL like
let’s say the URL is localhost/Home/Index.
Here Home is the controller
name and Index is the ActionMethod name. Now every Action
method has its own View by its name. So here a view will be stored within the View
à Home folder named Index.cshtml.
Whenever you will request for Home/Index the index.cshtml file will be shown within that View à Home folder
Now let’s see how to start this. Open
your Visual Studio 2012 it has inbuilt MVC 4.0 and MVC 3.0. If you are using
Visual studio 2010 then download the MVC 4.0 set up here
Choose 4.0 project and set your name
like as shown below
next thing you have to do to choose Razor
as a View engine and don't forget to choose an Empty template like as shown below
open your solution explorer in that we have three folders named Model, Controller and View and it will contain two web.config in solution one in the root folder and another one in
the View folder. The root one is the normal one to deal and the second file in
View folder blocks the direct access of the View folder.
Home is the default Controller and Index is the default action
method. If you open the RouteConfig.cs
file in the App_Start folder you
will come to see in the method RegisterRoutes
that is default controller and ActionMethod is Home and Index respectively. If
you want to change it you can do easily.
now let’s start with a simple program.
Right click on the Controller folder
and choose Create new Controller.
Name it HomeController.
the HomeController, there will be
one Index ActionMethod. Now right
click on the Action Method name (Index) and you will see there are two options Add View and Go to View. As you didn't create any View previously click on the
Add View option. A new window will be opened. Keep the name as it is, Set the
View engine as Razor. Right now we don't have any Master page so keep the Use a
layout or master page blank.
click on the Add button and check in
the View folder in Solutions Explorer. Within a view folder there will be a
folder named as your controller name Home. And within that Home controller
there is index.cshtml
index.cshtml page and place any html
code under <h2>Index</h2> Or you can delete it and put your code. Now
hit the run button and your project will run with the all html code in your index.cshtml.
the default ones are running we would not see anything in the URL. It is
showing something like http://localhost:59244/.Put
http://localhost:59244/Home/Index instead of the URL right now. You will
see the same result as Home controller is running and Action Method Index is
calling. And you are viewing the content of index.cshtml.
it’s clear if you create another Action Method in the Home Controller. So let’s
create another one.
add a view for the new controller arka
run your project and run with localhost/Home/Arka and see whats the output. It
will show the data of arka.cshtml within Home folder.
hope the fundamental concept of the MVC architecture and how to start with this
is clear to all of you. If you have any type of query just comment with your
Arkadeep De
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yesss its gud
yes ,it is very good site. any one can understand easily.
Sir plz show Insert update,delete using MVC4 application
It Is Very GoodSite
Very Nice ..But How to download it sir??
if i have two methods(index() and sum()) in controller only index is is executing but not sum my requirement is to execute all ActionrResult() methods in controller can u please help me
please show more examples(CRUD) using mvc
Thanks you so much.
May i know more article same as like this.
Better Understand
actually I is good but i need clear details
please show more examples(CRUD) using mvc
very a nice
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