In this article I will explain how to solve problem of getting CrystalReport.mht file after install crystal reports in visual studio 2010.
In this article I will explain how to solve problem of getting CrystalReport.mht file after install crystal reports in visual studio 2010.
In Previous posts I explained how to create rdlc reports using and pass parameters to rdlc reports using Now I will explain how to solve problem of getting CrystalReport.mht file after install crystal reports in visual studio.
In Previous posts I explained how to create rdlc reports using and pass parameters to rdlc reports using Now I will explain how to solve problem of getting CrystalReport.mht file after install crystal reports in visual studio.
In one of my project I got requirement to work with crystal reports for that I tried to create crystal report sample by using visual studio 2010 but every time whenever I add crystal report I am getting CrystalReport.mht file only.
I realized that crystal report component not installed in visual studio 2010 to solve this problem I installed SAP Crystal Reports, version for visual studio 2010 – click Once (64 Bit).
After installation completion I reopened visual studio 2010 and tried to create crystal report still I am getting same page CrystalReport.mht file even after install that component. Again I made some search to solve this problem and got the solution to solve this problem we need to install SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio 2010 - Standard.
After installation completion close your visual studio and reopened it and try to create new report. It will work for you.
Here I am using 64 bit processor for that reason I tried to use only 64 bit processor components if you are using 32 bit processor check this site to get appropriate component SAP Crystal Reports for visual studio
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hi suresh is this crystal report is free on respective hosting service provider....
yeah crystal report is free we can download it and we use in our applications.
is the crystal report a cms?
guys you know i have a crystal report 9.2 files.. what i'am doing is loading that report using VB.Net 2010 with installed SAP Crystal Report in it. I successfully load it if i run my system but my problem is it's like it disregard some of my parameter filtering in Select such as in my case. {tblInvoice.CustomerID} = {?Reference}. ?Reference has a value of my CustomerID being pass before loading the report.. The Reports shows all my customer instead of a customer having the value of Reference. I think Crytal Report 9.2 files is not compatible with SAP Crystal Report.. i don't.. i'm hitting my head with a hammer right now..
how to configure report viewer in MS 2010, it's too difficult
Thank you very much! This is what i am looking for :)
After Installing Crystal Report it works perfectly in local machine but it opens blank page in IIS Server-8 , can you please guide me whats the solution .
I can not make changes to existing crystal report files in vs 2010. Changes made are not effected at runtime why? I need help o!
can u upload a link for vs 2010 for 32 bit
please upload link for vs 2010 32 bit and also video how to develop crystal reports...
Hi Suresh , Here I am trying to Migrate from VS2005 to vs2010 . After i did this , I Am getting Plenty of Errors in crystal report .
Pls help me to come back from this issue...
during client side installation i installed visual studio 2010 and sql server 2008 fro hosting an web application which contains Crystal the same time when i open my web application and started building ...its giving error "microsoft.crystal reports.webform" assembly missing something like this...and all crystal pages are looks unsupportd in application .....kindly disscuss
Please let me know the link of VS 2010, crystal reports download for 64 bit. Instead, i am getting other links which never works
Hi Suresh, this steps worked for me. Now have one more issue that when publish on web server, crystal reports is not displayed and it shows just blank page. Any help...
Hi,suresh i'm trying to use from vs10 but it shows me .mht extension so what should i do.
Hi Suresh, this steps worked for me. Now have one more issue that when publish on web server, crystal reports is not displayed and error show lust like this ..
An error has occurred while attempting to load the Crystal Reports runtime. Either the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient, or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly. Please install the appropriate Crystal Reports redistributable (CRRedist*.msi) containing the correct version of the Crystal Reports runtime (x86, x64, or Itanium) required. Please go to for more information.
plz give me solution ..
thanks ...
Here's The Link For Installing Crystal Report In VS 2010
Link for 32 bit.
Sir, I want to know is there any way to show updated records from database in crystal report. my database has 5 records at the time of creation of crystal report. Now I want to know if I added 5 more records in database, how will crystal report gets updated while updating my database at run time. Please help
This link is also not working..plz help
username: blank
Database: TroubleshooterDB
Intergrated security =true(checkbox checked)
After clicking next 'Next' or 'Finish'. error occur
what's the file size of sap crystal report s/w?
i have problem with crystal report version 13 i have info in assembly
but still not show the reports
i have problem with crystal report version 13 i have info in assembly
but still not show the reports how to slove
Thank u very very much ..........
its Working...........
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